Friday, April 2, 2010

How To Pitch

It's writing conference weather people. Time to hone that pitch for your latest opus. Not sure how to pitch, or even where to start? Agent Nathan Bransford posted a short video yesterday about how to pitch your story idea and knowing the essence of your book. It's worth a minute and twenty seconds of your time. Trust me.


  1. Dell -- I watched and learned from a master. Try to get the essential focus of your book into 200 words. Think I heard once you should be able to define your story idea on the back of a matchbook! Good advice.

  2. I'm not good in a one-on-one situation where I have to dance on cue. So, if you gotta do it, do it quickly and concisely. That's my takeaway.

  3. Great post! I will need this advice come July when I attend the National RWA conference and pitch my books. Gulp.

  4. That'll give you some time to practice. My advice, always start off with, "My story concerns..." That gets them every time.
