Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Murderer's Daughters -- Out in Paperback

Taking a one-off break from the movie theme to announce that the paperback of Randy Susan-Meyer's page turner, The Murderer's Daughters, came out February 1st and was immediately chosen by Target as a Club Pick.

For those late to the party, The Murderer's Daughters concerns two young sisters who witness the murder of their mother at the hands of their father and how this trauma dogs them through their adult lives. If you haven't picked up her book yet, check out an excerpt, and then get thee to your local indie bookstore. The paperback includes a brief Q & A with Randy, and questions to ponder for book groups.

Randy is a full-time member (along with myself and ten other writers) of the group writer blog, Beyond the Margins. If you want to find out more about Randy and her experiences writing and publishing the book, check out an interview I did with her before her book was published in hardcover, then this follow-up after it was published. (Hey, it's not every day your writer friend gets published.) Can't wait for her next novel to hit the shelves!

Check out her book trailer:


  1. Thank you, Dell. This is so kind and lovely of you! It's always true, first you gotta have friends.

  2. Call me an early adopter. It was great to see the MD paperback on the shelves and in a stack in the front of the store.

  3. I watched Machete in HD on demand from Comcast. My only regret was that I didn't have time to watch it twice. Thanks for your review!
