Saturday, September 29, 2012

Half-Time - A Short Story for Your Ears

Earlier this year, at Grub Street's Muse and the Marketplace writer's conference, I recorded a short short story for The Drum (the literary magazine for your ears). It was an open mic, anyone could record a story with the understanding that if the editor (erstwhile Beyond the Margins writer Henriette Power) liked it she would use it for her online lit mag.

Alas, the story didn't make the cut. But she sent me the audio file to play with. Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't make it easy to embed an audio file into a blog post. So I've posted it over at my other online playground, Lowell Postcard. If you're interested, take a left turn and check it out.


  1. Dell - I loved listening to this piece about a boy who needs to find a place for himself, a place to wait "until the game is over." Sad and telling about a father and son's relationship. You did a nice job with the reading -- quiet and well-paced. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for listening, Robin! My first attempt at recording my own work.
