While I pack to go on vacation this week, I’m deciding what books to take. Liz and I are visiting my parents and sister in Florida, and there should be plenty of quiet time to read. Currently, I’m reading Chinese Takeout, a novel by Arthur Nersesian. It’s about the adventures and loves of a struggling young artist in New York.
But, what if I finish Chinese Takeout and want to read something else? In that case I need to bring a backup. So, I’ve decided to bring along The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. Lots of short sections, so I can read a page, put it down, then pick it up later without losing the thread. I know the subject matter isn’t light (post-apocalyptic America, and whatnot) but if I plan on seeing the movie based on the book this summer, then I need to finish the book first.
But why stop there? I’ll also bring some entertaining non-fiction, Sex, Stupidity, and Greed, by Ian Grey. It’s a scathing look at Hollywood. This came out in 1997, so references to Titanic (which hadn’t been released yet) and Waterworld mark this as out of date. But the stories this guy tells are great, and his interviews with screenwriters, directors, and various anonymous studio people are priceless.
I’m also bringing the latest Esquire. You might remember Megan Fox on the cover. This issue features articles about this summer’s movies, including The Road. If that’s still not enough, I can also sit for hours and scan my father’s New Yorkers. They come every week! Or browse through his hundreds of books. He’s a dealer of collectable books and ephemera, and whenever we visit there is always a great and curious selection. I’m not even taking into consideration books I might buy while I’m down there at tasty yard sales and thrift shops. Last year I accumulated so many during my stay that my father had to mail them north for me. Hopefully this year I won't leave Florida with more than I arrive with.
What books are you reading on vacation?
I hope we have to mail a big box home! Books = good
Well, I'm sure we can figure something out (Note to self: must make room for more books...).
Last time I went on a long winded vacation I read through every single book I brought with me. It's not a bad idea to bring a lot of different kinds of book so you can keep your options open. My favorite book to read while waiting in the plane terminal was Neil Gaiman's Smoke and Mirrors. It felt like reading a mix tape of short stories.
My one piece of advice: take your favorite book to the beach. That's my idea of a little piece of heaven: soft sand, warm sun, and a good book. I read the "Thorn Birds" by Colleen McCullough when I went to Iceland and "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold during my last Florida trip. Since the Sebold book was short, I picked up some paperbacks at the local library. I read John Knowle's "A Separate Peace" on the flight home. Anyway, enjoy your trip!
Chester doesn't look too happy you're leaving. You will have to bring him home some new reading material. :)
So far, I've been reading New Yorkers. I read Esquire on the plane. Also, some of Chinese Takeout this morning. Find it hard to read on the beach, too many distractions. And it gets in the way of my swimming and tanning time.
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