Other sources of found inspiration can come from notes, cards, and letters. They don't have to be full of detail for you to get an idea or feeling for a character, or to picture a situation that could start a story or give an idea for a scene you've been having trouble getting right.
The note to the left was also found in a used book.
There's a lot going on here. First, it's obvious the writer is young, just a kid. The recipient sent this kid a Christmas card. But the last sentence is the killer. The kid is the go-between, the beard. Who is Harry? The kid's father? Grandma's second husband or boyfriend? A fiction writer could unfold this family drama any number of ways. Was the note tucked inside Harry's book? Was it a note written and never sent? It's up to you. Do what you will.
The note on the right is a found class schedule. Upon first reading, it doesn't seem that special. But take another look: this student is well-organized, and needs to know just what time she will be home. But why? For dinner? To pick up her kid? So she can allot enough time to do her homework? This schedule could hold the key to one of your characters, that final personality trait puzzle piece.
Here's another note, an apology. From a student to a teacher? From one neighbor to another? The son of a family friend? This note brings to mind a kid who's a little wild, out of control. I'm not sure sorry's going to cut it. What could have prompted this situation and how did the apology come about? Angry parents insisting? Expel the kid unless he plays nice?
I leave you with two last finds. Who know? Maybe they'll give you some found inspiration. (Click them to see them larger.)
Here's another note, an apology. From a student to a teacher? From one neighbor to another? The son of a family friend? This note brings to mind a kid who's a little wild, out of control. I'm not sure sorry's going to cut it. What could have prompted this situation and how did the apology come about? Angry parents insisting? Expel the kid unless he plays nice?
Found objects come with hundreds of built-in possibilities. You probably have a few found objects around your house whether you know it or not. The next time you're in a used book store, make sure to pay attention to those lost treasures between the pages. The next time you see a photograph dropped on the ground, pick it up. It might hold the key to your next scene, a new character.
I leave you with two last finds. Who know? Maybe they'll give you some found inspiration. (Click them to see them larger.)
This post is splendid.
Absolutely perfect
It is also fascinating and remarkable.
This was really interesting, Dell! Great topic. I will now keep my eyes open for any found inspiration.
I love these found notes. They offer a unique peek into the hearts and minds of the writer at a particular moment in time.
Let's hope the internet and email doesn't take away the hand-written word completely.
After you recognize that there are found objects all over, they're easy to find. I doubt these personal little tokens will ever become obsolete. Unless we get to the point of texting grocery lists to ourselves.
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